Hi all! The entries are in consecutive order. It is like an ongoing book; so to make sense of things, just start with the first entry. From the bottom to the top. Hope it isn't confusing!

Friday, May 4, 2012


Yahweh Elohim created humans with three parts:  the blood and flesh, the soul and the spirit.  The Apostle Paul speaks of this:

"May God himself, the god of peace, sanctify you through and through.  May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."  1 Thes 5:23

The soul ("nefesh" in Hebrew and "psyche" in Greek)  of a person is unseen and located in their heart.  The soul is the seat of the emotions, intellect and the will.  The soul is the essence and personality of person.  It's who we are without our skin.  The definition of "will" in the American Heritage Dictionary is: "the mental faculty by which one deliberately chooses or decides upon a course of action."

The spirit in a person is also unseen and located in a person's heart. The spirit is what comes from God and encompasses his moral law. It is with the spirit that a human worships and connects with the one true God,  Yahweh Elohim.  

It is the soul of a person that freely chooses to agree with a person's flesh or their spirit or with Satan or God.

Both the invisible soul and spirit are located inside the heart of a person.  The heart is also the center of the circulation of blood throughout the body; therefore, the part of the human that is the flesh.  The heart contains all three aspects of a person and is the center of all physical and spiritual life.

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